Can Anyone Complete an Ultramarathon? They're Easier than You Think

2022-08-13 06:47:25 By : Mr. Tony Wang

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Ultras are a lot more accessible than many people realise. Our writer, a total novice, signed up for a 100km race to test that theory

If you’ve never taken part in an ultramarathon before, you probably have an idea in your mind of what sort of person does these things. That is, the sort of person who bashes out 15km before work “for fun”, has a social media feed full of Strava maps and knows how to use kinesiology tape.

I am not that person. I last ran a half marathon in 2019 and these days I generally max out at 5km (or 4km if I spot a nice coffee shop on the way home). So, when I was invited to participate in the 100km Race to the Stones – along the Ridgeway, Britain’s oldest road – I had my hesitations.

But here’s the first thing I learnt about ultras: you don’t technically have to run the race. In fact, Race to the Stones was created with hikers in mind, as well as casual gym-goers and weekend 5K-ers. When Nick Tuppen, CEO of event organiser Threshold Sports, first trialled the route in 2012, none of his team members had ultramarathon experience.

“We’d never done anything like that before,” he tells me. But he figured that if his squad of beginners could last the course, that was a good baseline. His group set off from Lewknor in Oxfordshire at 8am, with nothing but a rucksack full of snacks and a good pair of shoes, and arrived at their chosen finish line – Avebury’s ancient stone circle – around 6am the next morning.

Ultramarathons might attract elite athletes, says Tuppen, but they’re not for elite athletes. “They’re for people who’ve got a spirit of adventure – and a bit of determination and grit.”

In many ways, they’re easier than traditional road marathons. Defined as anything longer than 42km (26.2 miles) but generally 50km-plus, the pace is much slower. Even elite athletes will tend to walk stretches of the route, particularly up hills, as it’s more energy efficient.

Ultras are less competitive, too: “A phrase people sometimes use is that ultras are about the finish line, not the finish time,” says Tuppen. “The defining language of marathons is around the time you complete it in. But with ultras, especially if you’re doing them on trails, the landscape has a massive impact on completion time. It’s less about who’s won and more about the personal challenge.”

That’s why it's common for people to make the leap to 50km or 100km races without first attempting a marathon distance; they’re attracted by the fun and camaraderie. There’s not much place for chatting and sandwiches mid-marathon, after all.

"Ultras are about the finish line, not the finish time"

Ultras are also more about the mental game than pure physical capability. “A piece of advice I was given is: however you feel now, that will change within the next hour. So, if you’re struggling, it won’t last. The flip side of that is that, even if you’re feeling good now, you will probably have a low point somewhere further ahead. But that’s a useful way to understand the event. When you’re feeling strong, what you don’t want to do is think, ‘Right, I’m going to absolutely floor it here.’ Just keep going steady.”

Race to the Stones is more entry-level than some ultras – the terrain is reasonably accessible; you won’t find yourself scrambling along any mountain ridges, although there are a few hills. There are pitstops with food, water and medical support every 10-15km, and the route markers are easy to spot. (Helpful if, like me, you need GPS to locate the exits at Ikea.) However, as Tuppen is quick to point out, “Accessible and easy are very different things. I genuinely believe anyone can do it – but it’s not easy.”

Still, nothing worth having comes easy, right? Including ultramarathon bragging rights. With that in mind, I signed up. Full disclosure: I opted for overnight camping, completing 50km a day rather than charging through the night like the serious athletes do – although 31 miles a day proved challenging enough. Here’s everything my first ultramarathon taught me:

Unnerved by stories of chafing bag straps and painful blisters, I opted to wear my tried, tested and trustiest kit on race day – and resisted the urge to treat myself to some new swag. This turned out to be a good decision. My steadfast Salomon hiking boots, Inov-8 running pack and Osprey bumbag caused minimal friction. You’ve heard it before, but doing a couple of practice runs in your race-day kit is a must, because stuff that feels comfy over 10km can claw at your skin over longer distances.

Since I’d resigned myself to mostly power-walking, rather than running, the 100km, much of the training I did was based around long hikes (plus a few legs-day gym sessions and 5-8km runs). I walked all over London and as often as possible, trudging up muddy hills in the rain and along uninspiring roadside paths in the hot summer sun. Those warm-weather walks proved particularly useful: race day itself coincided with the Great British Heatwave. So I was, at least, semi-prepared. Which brings me to my next point…

Particularly if you’re competing in the heat. The full Race to the Stones route took in a variety of terrains – including a nice bit of woodland, some riverside walks and meandering village pathways – but the bulk of the Ridgeway route was fully exposed with very little tree-shade and a few long, slow, torturous climbs. In those conditions, water alone doesn’t cut it. A good stash of High5 Zero electrolyte tablets kept me on the right side of heatstroke.

One of the best things about long-distance events is just how much food you can – nay, should – put away. Ultrarunning is referred to as a “calorie-deficit sport”: it’s almost impossible to replenish calories at the rate you’re expending them. But what works for one runner won’t always work for the next, so it’s recommended that you practise your refuelling strategy ahead of the big day to avoid any race-disrupting digestive issues. Competitive runners might rely on fast-acting gels and sports drinks; I mostly ate Fruit Pastilles, Nakd bars and Soreen malt loaf to dripfeed by body with easy-access carbs, plus pitstop vegan sausage sandwiches for a little protein. (Note: watch out for overdoing the fibre.)

For some reason, we decided to wing it on day one. Things started well; the picturesque scenery and moderate cloud cover made the first stretches fairly pleasant. So much so that we barely sat down at the halfway pitstop, which was followed by a brief amble along the Rivers Thames. Then, around the 28-29km mark, the route shifted up onto the North Wessex Downs. The clouds dissipated and temperatures edged up towards 30 degrees. Those last 20km towards basecamp were hot and relentless, and the easy start left us mentally unprepared for the challenge.

On day two, following a restless night in my one-woman tent (bonus tip for inexperienced campers: summer nights are cold), my co-walker and I decided to study the map, note the inclines and plan our rest points, as well as when we’d really push ourselves. Were I to run it again, I’d do away with my let’s-just-see-how-we-go attitude. Fail to prepare, etc.

This might be less practical for those running with a quick finish time in mind, but it makes sense. Moisture increases friction which puts you at greater risk of blisters. I wore five pairs of socks throughout the 100km event. Blisters are no joke; I saw runners in serious pain and discomfort on day two. The Threshold medical team also recommends skin-toughening preparations such as zinc sulphate and surgical spirit, as well as experimenting with various tapes, talcs and antiseptic ointments. I didn’t do any of that, which is probably why I currently have nine toenails thanks to a monster blister on my little toe…

The upshot? I made it to the finish line alive. But, as Tuppen forewarned, ultramarathons are full of ups and downs – geographically, emotionally, spiritually. At times, perhaps delirious with heat exhaustion, I stared in awe at the rolling hills and golden wheat fields and considered how lucky I was to get to do incredible things like this. At other times, I questioned my decision to sign up. (Or, more accurately, the inadequacies of my self-created training plan.)

Watching the sun go down at basecamp after the first day, I did wonder whether I really had it in me to complete another 50km, as my quivering legs struggled to carry me from shower to tent. At the 97km marker, I swore this would be the last ultra I ever, ever attempted. Moments after crossing the finish line, however, I was enthusiastically googling “UK ultramarathons 2023”. Who knows? I might even try running the next one…