Tyrone Library Events - The Citizen

2022-07-02 03:29:48 By : Ms. Rum Song

On June 22, nearly 300 kids, teens and adults experienced “ The Magic Voyage if the  Seas” with Ken Scott as a part of Tyrone Public Library’s “Oceans of Possibilities” summer reading program. Mr. Scott, four-time winner of Atlanta Magician of the Year, is a Summer Reading Program favorite for TPL patrons.

On Saturday, July 30 from 10 to 1, Tyrone Public Library will be celebrating Harry Potter’s birthday. Join the fun with games, crafts, face-painting and much more. Bring a pair or a package of new kids socks to free some house elves and the extras will be donated to help local foster kids get ready for back- to – school. Experience the Harry Potter-bilities at this culmination of our summer reading program!

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