Children's TV band Andy and The Odd Socks rock The Butts Primary School in Alton |

2022-05-14 22:49:29 By : Ms. Linda Zhang

CHILDREN’S television band Andy and The Odd Socks played a very exclusive gig in Alton on March 31.

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The group, led by CBBC and CBeebies actor and presenter Andy Day, sang for Fox and Badger classes in Year 3 at The Butts Primary School.

They had won a national Anti-Bullying Week and Children in Need competition set by Andy on his social media channels with anti-bullying film One Kind Word, inspired by the band’s video of the same name and made by Year 3 teacher and head of computing Gemma Venn.

A spokesperson said: “Their prize was a visit from Andy and the band, and the children and staff had a wonderful time singing and dancing along to a variety of their songs. Andy and the band also took questions from the children on a whole range of subjects.”

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